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PHOTO DUMP | an abstract photojournal

is an experimental photojournal I did as a student project in my residence in ISIA | Design&Communication in Faenza, Italy. As I began to make photos I felt very attracted to capturing meaningless yet excitant events of my everyday life, I ended having tons of pictures of very random and unrelated situations. Wondering what I can do with the large collection that was just pilling up, I came with the concept of making a dump for photographs, known and used in the social medias, where one person just "throws up" random moments in the community. So I decided to try combine them and make a selection of pictures that emphasize one another. The text in the book appeared naturally as the photographs began to form a plot - the writings follow the visual part as it's not a specific story, rather than a needed one at the time. That's why I prefer to call the project a journal, as it is after all collection of (not so) personal moments.

The photographs are taken only with a mobile phone - this is adding to the concept of "dumping" them as you can make almost unlimited number of pictures nowdays. As it was a student task, I had the limitation of doing only 16 pages. I plan on making additional spreads as for me this project has more to share. So stay tuned! 

To be continued... 

Format A5 
©2022 Doroteya Chelnieva. All rights reserved.

PHOTO DUMP | an abstract photojournal


PHOTO DUMP | an abstract photojournal
