Cover of the book. The publication is typeset in Karmina and Amasis MT.

Design Thinking and the Social Entrepreneurship Movement
Eve Blossom, a trained architect, tells how she built Lulan Artisans, a sustainable business that merges design, profit, and an ambitious agenda for social change.

Edited by Eve Blossom. With a foreword by Yves Béhar. New photography by Mark Standen.
Project director: Diana Murphy.
Published by Metropolis Books, New York.

ISBN 978-1-935202-45-5

In collaboration with Pentagram Design, New York
Hardcover, 160 pages, printed by Asia Pacific Offset (China) on IKPP woodfree, 4 color offset printing

American Graphic Design Awards 2012

Material Change

Material Change

Material Change. Design Thinking and the Social Entrepreneurship Movement
