This was a collaboration with a fantastic costume creator who made the outfit pictured. I was tasked to make the wig pictured above. The wig had to be made within a couple of days for a lucky four year old child. 
I made this wig with a wig cap and three synthetic wigs. 
To start I took the measurements of the child’s head and made a wire stand to work from. Secondly I took the wig cap and hand stitched it to size. I them cut sections of the three wigs. Mixing each colour in with the other for a natural dreadlock look. I took an old piece of carpet and used it to tightly roll and knot each dread lock to various thicknesses, lengths and colours. When finished I hand stitched each dread lock to the cap, following images of Jack Sparrow. I created the jewels and trinkets using polymer clay, nail varnish and various pieces of old costume jewelry. For the sail needle I used an old ceramics tool which I sanded down. 
I also made some rings from polymer and adjustable ring blanks. As seen in the first photograph. 
Jack Sparrow wig

Jack Sparrow wig

Captain Jack Sparrow wig project, costume collaboration for a four year old child.
