Windows "Gaming Awareness" Safety Poster

Windows "Gaming Awareness" Safety Poster

It was aimed to prioritize security and quality in the "Gaming Awareness" communication, which aims to highlight the original use of Windows 11 for PC gamers. In line with this target, we wanted to describe the minimal visual world of Windows 11 on the streets, in street language. We started from the aesthetic stance of skateboarders who put fun before safety. The main issue that we refer to as the subtext here is that we brought safety to the use of quality and original skateboards, not helmets. We have shown that the original and high quality skateboard will never cause a danger if regular maintenance (software update) is done, by showing the danger itself.

*unpublished project

Windows "Gaming Awareness" Safety Poster

Project Made For

Windows "Gaming Awareness" Safety Poster

It was aimed to prioritize security and quality in the "Gaming Awareness" communication, which aims to highlight the original use of Windows 11 f Read More
