Yen-Cheng Shih's profile

alPACKgae|biodegradable package


Packaging for food and human which can blend with nature from manufacturing to recycling, 4-6 weeks to decompose in nature
Taking ecological design as core concept and the thinking model of integrating the product and the environment, the life cycle of the product is conceived from the source of the design.
alPACKgae 以生態設計為核心概念及產品與環境兩者合而為一的思考模式,從設計的源頭就為產品的生命週期設想

Package of  Food | 食物包裝
91% of plastic waste have not been recycled, and packaging accounts for 36% . Therefore, we design 3 different type of package for the consumables in daily life

即食容器→分享、散開包裝就可以吃、擺起來好看 (速食店、市集、活動等)

Convenient packaging  quick and convenient, hand-held (hamburger, sandwich...)
便利包裝→ 快速方便、手拿食用 (漢堡、三明治等)

Small Packet  proper ingest (nuts, energy bars, candy...)
小包裝→ 適量食用、快速方便 小零食(堅果、能量棒、糖果等)

Package of  Human | 人的包裝
In pace with the change of the buried concept,  eco-burial will be the mainstream of funeral since its eco-friendly feature. We transfer the material feature of shrinkage into the concept of floral design and redesign urns with the most natural and beautiful forms. Although life will withered but it finally turn into the nutrients of newborn.

Convenient packaging  put the ash into the molten material, just like amber
Petals  Kat Masback mixed with algae powder, after shrinking will be like petals
花瓣→ 將溶磷菌與藻粉混合,皺縮後會自然生成似花瓣的形狀

Business Model | 商業模式
Field × Product × User Co-prosperous life circle
打造 產品,使用者,場域 三者共榮的生態圈

Biodegradable | 分解實驗
the result of biodegradable time and effect in soil is on trial (in the vegetable garden in NTU)
土壤分解實驗進行中 (於台大蔬活園)
Thanks for appreciation ! 
林昕慈 Xin-Tsu, Lin | 施彥丞 Yen Cheng, Shih 

Special thanks to 
指導教授 | 林時旭 Sherman Lin 教授
台大蔬活園 | 連韻文 教授
職能治療師 | 王柏堯 
alPACKgae|biodegradable package

alPACKgae|biodegradable package
