Comfortable state of the corpse
I believe that in our world there is the process of "transformation of consciousness: changing perceptions of reality, a transition to "the existence and co existence with like-minded "people", i.e. “comfortable state of the corpse" The “comfortable state of the corpse" –is a condition where comes the modern man. He has lost the opportunity to feel, understand his actions. “Modern man” acquires considerably different qualities. For instance: he analyzes plans and calculates his own actions. To my mind this transformation helped to form a new kind of social specie in our community-“indifferent human”. Natural cause of this condition is the destruction of personality.
I believe that it is possible to express the process of internal transformation through the physical deformation of the human body. My basic concern is expressing irrational through materialistic forms. I started with abstract images of "people-beings" in a specific state of transformation. State of "Love", "Mole Man", "A Pleading man with abeard", "Fading", "Frozen" "Skinny and Stout”. This states are forms of one individual,one indivisible self – my personality.
"After the explosion" (part of series of works "human remains") 140X100 cm 
Oil on canvas, 2010
In love, 90x80 cm,
Oil on canvas, 2008
"Fading" (part of series of works "human remains") 140X100 cm
Oil on canvas, 2009
"Mole" 100x70 cm
Oil on canvas, 2008
"A pleading man with a beard"  100x60 cm
Oil on canvas, 2008
"Frozen" 100x30 cm
Oil on canvas, 2008
"Skinny and Stout" 60x60 cm
Oil on canvas, 2008
Shked, 40x40 cm, oil on canvas, 2008


I believe that in our world there is the process of "transformation of consciousness: changing perceptions of reality, a transition to "the exist Read More


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