Emil Hollerbach makes a striking attempt at this exhibition; the show consists of a limited number of linoleum prints that can be exchanged (purchased) for consumer goods that the print itself depicts (for example: soap, a sweater, orange juice or a bottle of red wine). Hollerbach have made these prints to consider their own needs and wants.
An important part of the project is the barter gesture itself and the step of direct contact between the artist and the visitor, ‘cause the recipients often see the works of art impersonal, deprived of their context, completely alienated.

In addition to the prints, a masonry bottle of linoleum shavings is also part of the exhibition that comes from a completely different context, “measuring” the value of the works of art in terms of time, energy and money spent on making it.

Special thanks to Gólya Presszó for hosting the event, Zita Marton for organisation and Anna Foris for photography.

Thank you for viewing!

