Fourth of July Stickers​​​​​​​
My clients birthday is on the 4th of July and she really wanted some stickers to give out on her birthday. She was telling me how she wants them to be funny or punny. She would like them to be a set and to have a story to tell. Overall she just really wanted stickers that were fun to give out to her friend at her birthday bash. 
These are my sketches which I scrapped for my rough draft design. I thought that a punny set of stickers could be a "bottle-rocket" firework, "firecracker", and a "bomb pop" popsicle. I didn't create sketches for my drafts and I think that is why I am not the biggest fan of them. 
Rough Draft
The three that look like they belong together was my rough draft I thought they were very patriotic and cohesive. When I reviewed them with my client she said that they were very basic and needed a little umph or funny aspect. That is when I made that cracker to develop the stickers I have now. With her feedback I went back to my original sketches to make them reality.
Final Design
These are my punny final stickers that I am very proud of. They are very much more the personality of my client. They have a deeper meaning that is allowing people to figure out what they mean or be pleasantly surprised when they ask the owner. They are also a nice set that can be used together or separate. 
4th of July Sticker

4th of July Sticker


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