For this animation project, I had to display convincing emotion. So what better way to do that then make an animation about drifting off into space!
Here is the Storyboard for the plot. The camera pans up establishing the scene. The character bends down and jumps. Then there is a still shot of the main character, torso up starting to react to him not coming back down. He then panics in fear, flailing his arms around. The there is a final long shot of him drifting away.
So after choosing this concept, I started creating characters. Shortly into coming up with Ideas, I thought "Why not make the main character me?", so I did.
Here are some different character expressions that I made since my character will be going on a rollercoaster of emotions. So I need to understand what that would look like.
This is the final animation that I submitted. While I think its fun, the rough rigging on model and the wooden movement definity hinders it charm. But overall, I like it
One GIANT Leap

One GIANT Leap
