Tree test - there were two competing ideas for the category labels for the site. Using Tree Jack we set up both and ran some usability testing to see which labels made the site easier to navigate. Looking at the data made it much easier to decide which to go with.
Customer Journey Map - I conducted a series of user interviews with the two most important personas for the organization. Taking that data I created an interactive timeline that showed the persona and their thoughts and feelings as they interacted with the company. The related stories were cross referenced and hyperlinked to each other. Recommendations accompanied each item.
Personas - the organization only had a general idea of who their users were and how the organizations service fit into their lives. I conducted a number of internal and customer interviews to flesh out sketches of who their most important user groups were. I included a number of critical details that would help the organization make more strategic decisions moving forward.
Priority matrix - the team had a large stack of product requirements but a limited amount of time and budget. I ran a number of sample users through and exercise where they ranked the relative importance and frequency of the tasks so that we had a better idea of which features needed to be in the first product release and which could wait for subsequent releases.
Brand evaluation - there were a number of competing ideas for the design of a new company logo. Using a simple online tool we were able to test which of the options best fit the desired brand attributes to arrive at the strongest candidate.
Mobile wireframe user flow - we needed to better understand each of the interactions and screens involved in a complex home solar analysis app. We took the existing flow from the website and through this process attempted to strip it down to the required components.
Diary study - the customer wanted to better understand their clients experiences across all of their touch points. I build a simple diary study that would allow them to see what their clients were going through at each step along to way. 
Prototype testing - the customer needed a design for a decal that nurse practicioners would put on their patients faces. There was a high rate of error with the existing design so we tested a variety of other options to gather feedback and make recommendations for futher study.
Iterative design - I created a wireframe for a modal dialog box that seemed to test fine during cognitive walkthroughs. However, after creating an interactive prototype we discovered a number of subtle problems. Using the testing data I made a series of recommendations to fix the problems.
Icon evaluation - there was debate around which of a series of icons best reflected the meaning that the organization was trying to convey. I set up a survey with a series of likert scales and had a representative sample of users evaluate each to discover which icon was the best candidate.
Solar report wireframe - after gathering stakeholder feedback I created a wireframe that represented the relationships between the various report elements. This wireframe was then used in a cognitive walkthrough test with users to determine if users understood the components of the report and their relationships.
Epigenomic user flow - I conducted a series of user interviews with each of the personas to construct user stories. With those user stories we were able to map how the various likely user flows through the site and the different tools. With this data we were able to design the tools to fit how the users would want to use them.
Epigenomic wireframes - based on the flow analysis we created wireframes that reflected the necessary page components and their relationship with each other.


Defining what a project should be and how it should work by better understanding who the customers are, what their tasks are, how they understand Read More
