Billboards for Uber
The design prompt for my digital advertising class had us pairing up with Clear Channel Outdoor in Des Moines, IA, to advertise for Uber, which had just been released in the city.

The digital billboards had the capability of running PHP code that would interact with the Uber API and be able to live update based on time of day, wait times, ride pricing, and weather. 
Billboard at night, in the bar district. 
General day time billboard
Highlighting Uber's integration with Spotify at the time. The integration has since been removed, but Uber used to allow riders to control the Spotify in the car they were riding in.
Any time of day billboard with pricing. The red number would live update, upon calling Uber's API.
General day time billboard with pricing. The red number would live update, upon calling Uber's API.
Weather billboard. The blue text would be updated upon calls to Dark Sky's weather API and Uber's API to show the weather, specifically if it was raining, storming, or snowing.
Snow/ice billboard, for snowing, sleeting, or freezing rain events. The billboard could also be put in rotation during the general winter months, as Des Moines can see snow and ice anytime between October and April. Blue text updates with call to Uber's API.
Video from Clear Channel Outdoor, showing the billboards in the Court Ave bar district in Des Moines, IA.
Uber Billboard


Uber Billboard
