Photographs taken by (left) Lucas Zimmermann and (right) Chanakya 
Subcategory 7 was long exposure photography. long exposure photography is when you shoot with a very slow shutter speed (30 seconds or more). Doing this causes light to create streaks and water to appear smooth. Street lights, sparklers, running water and starry skies are all popular choices when taking long exposure photography. a famous photographer who uses long exposure photography a lot is Darren Moore. Darren Moore is famous for shooting long exposure shots in black and white to create slightly haunting photos of some odd items in shallow waters, such as rows of perfectly spaced rocks, bridges leading to nothing, and much more. Darren Moore uses a technique called daylight long exposure and uses filters to block out the majority of the light. This technique helps create the haunted photography Moore is known for. Some people go all out and take more than 30 seconds to shoot long exposure. The current world record for long exposure photography was created by a  student at the University of Hertfordshire. Regina Valkenborgh had created what is now considered the longest long exposure photograph ever, and she had used a beer can to make it. This beercan photograph took 8 years and 1 month to create, and would completely overtake the current record. Long exposure photography is an interesting photography style, and creates beautiful shots. 
Long Exposure

Long Exposure

credits to Lucas Zimmermann and Chanakya
