cristina amorós's profile

Varos Vege video game

Varos Vege

My idea was to create a three-dimensional video game. The genre is horror and
survival where you can lose all the advance if you give up and close the game. It will
always be there to be on the lookout, as all the 'enemies' will be waiting for the opportunity
to defeat the player and make an instant 'GameOver'.
Explore the world and discover the story, mind the creatures watching and waiting for what
the player makes a mistake to end the game.

You can play in:

The language of this game: Spain.
Available for Windows PC and Linux


It's a 3D game. The player's view is in the first person. The game genre is horror and
survival. The game will have 4 antagonists and 4 zones where you can explore while there
danger. The Art of Antagonists is based on the mixture of animals. The first enemy that
will appear is the mixture of a humanoid goat and a bird, is on the map of the village. He
The next enemy to be seen is a dog and a black flower forest map. The penultimate
enemy is formed from the body of a raptor and a bird, it moves by the cemetery map. The
last enemy is like the second, but the flower is pink and the area where it is find is

The plot takes place in a world of terror.

The protagonist is a researcher, about to retire and as his last assignment job, is to find or
discover where are four psychopaths who escaped a couple for days, suspicions lead to a
village, named: 'graftonu, utah'.

When the protagonist arrives at the village, it is abandoned and with the population
missing. That's when the investigation begins. Psychopaths will have to be found, but they
will no longer be human, but have become ones scary creatures. 'The player can now
move around the map using the assigned keys. Your mission is not to give up and figure
out how to defeat these beasts. Therefore to win you will have to look for 4 masks and
destroy them. '

The ending appears when all the masks and escapes are destroyed.
Main objectives
• Create a three-dimensional functional video game on the theme of terror and
• Incorporate personal designs and own production material. It is said that the
designs of the monsters plus their animations, is of own harvest. Also true images
or objects that are spread across the map.
• Learn to model and create animations.
• Know how to design a map.
• Learn to create a functional structure for the game.
• Edit audio and music to incorporate.

Secondary objectives
• Make a web page for the video game.

Methodology and work process

The working methodology used has been to write all the processes in a kind of
diary (it is the team's notebook) provided by Professor Sr. Llubes. Apart
from Teams I have also made use of other programs.

• Blender: Has been used to create antagonists and any three-dimensional element.
• Unity v.2019.2.12f: This is the graphics engine I used to develop the game.
• Photoshop v2019: Design the entire images section.
• Shotcut: is a video editor

All I had to keep in mind:

Create the structure in 3D.
• Begin to shape and create the muscles of the creature.
• Choose the texture or create it.
• Rig.
• Learn to cheer.
• Prepare the animation.
• Finally the lighting.

Once the characters are created, we will focus on the environment in which they will be.
- To create the map you need and:
• Choose and create the size of the map.
• Find or create the textures I will use.
• Create: plains, mountains.
• Choose vegetation: trees, grass ...
• Put the material elements such as structures, materials ...
• Result and find defects on the map.
• Repair previously found damage.

So I completed the first quarter by making sure I designed everything right. Both of them
enemies as of the environment.

Second term:
Create maps and scenes and put everything in place. IT'S EASY NO? Well no. The design
of the utility material had to have the same style and match everything.I also created the menu. Initially I switched from one enemy to another as it was not convincing enough.
Third quarter:
It had the structure, the enemies and all the parts of the shell breaker. This quarter has
been why all links perfectly and put a demo for users and so be tested by to be able to find
errors. Thanks to the input of some users, errors have been found to correct and improve
the game.

Graphic design and interfaces
Objectives of the game.

Investigate and defeat the antagonists in the story by finding the 4 masks spread all over
the map. Another goal is to enjoy the video game.
Rules of the game.
Be scared, enjoy and finish it. You can cheat and bug it.
Game controls.

Camera positions.
First person.
HUD (respawns).
Every time you lose the game you come back to life.

The player's metrics (life, speed, ...).
The mechanics of life are that every time you catch a chilli you lose but you have a choice
surrender and close the game or relive as many times as you need.
The speed is stable.

Player states (moving, static, dead…)
The player can walk, run and static position.
The dead state is only activated when the enemy attacks it.

The enemies
They camp in their own air, each one is positioned on the map and its function is to hunt
you down. Each map has a single enemy.

Enemies don’t have a name, let’s just say I don’t hold them in high esteem. So players will
be able to baptize them.


My experience in creating this video game has been very positive, as I have learned a lot
good stuff. Now I will tell you about my experience creating the video game and how I
came up with it this point. It all started on a summer day when I felt very motivated. As we
are it occurred to him to make a video game for the end-of-year project. Well said and
done. First the idea was a 2D platform video game in which the protagonist had to save
the world. I thought and the idea was very simple and repetitive. All the games I thought
were designed to be in 2D, because my logic was that making a 3D video game brought a
lot of difficulties and many problems. But after this they do tests ... I saw that the ideas
were too simple and they brought me nothing. Inside I knew I had to risk doing something
unique created by me. Well, just like I used to use blender (a program for modeling and
animating in 3D) to be true things he would do using it. When I started with the sketches of
the chillies (they are lost I don't keep these things) was entering the first days of the
course. Next part in 3D. Modeling and animating took me all quarter the luck is that I had
no internships.

In the second quarter I already had the maps done. Making maps is a pretty difficult job. At
the principle all the zones were united with one. But I had to separate it for reasons of
load and error with the textured theme, it was hard for me to work in so much space and
make it all paintings. So I decided to separate from experience and do something that if it
works “divides and you will win ». While playing the video game I already had a small
demo for the player to go for a walk for all maps. And a test area where the chillies could
be seen. In this second quarter I met Eric Canela, throughout the second quarter he also
helped me and advised. At the end of the second quarter I decided to stop the project as
the thing was going complicating at this point. All that was left was to put the chillies on. I
was breaking the whole hard part already he had done it. The third term also stopped me
until the day we started doing classes. The first thing I did in those days was see a problem with the structure of scenes and scenes levels. I also improved the texturing and
modeling of certain materials and the music improve. Everything changed for the better as
the scenes, of death, of the destruction of the mask, of the story, and I changed the home
screen. These weeks it was to do the scripts and improve the look of the game. Now I'm
doing the writing.

Problems I had with your solutions:
• The startup sign was incorrect and was not understood so I changed the texture.
• The first animations weren't that good so I had to improve them. At the time of
putting them in the game gave me problems, as I had been wrong on the axes, so to open
the blender and put the figure on the correct axes re-export and import to Unity.
• The home screen did not convince me so to modify it again to make animations and a
• Problems with programming (all caused by my mistakes).

Explore the world and discover the story, while the creatures watch you make a mistake to end your life.
Varos Vege video game

Varos Vege video game
