Andriana Harasymiuk's profile

Visitor center. Odesa.

Visitor center
National Natural Park "Tuzlivski Lymani"
Odesa, Ukraine

   Against the background of significant development of society within such a topic as ecology, the so-called environmental approach to the design of buildings, not only in the anthropogenic environment, but also in the natural environment can also be distinguished. 
   Much attention is paid to the problem of combining an object created by man within nature, minimizing influence and conservation for future generations. In the formation of such architecture, it`s necessary to take into account not only the basis compositional techniques, but also the landscape. These include the use of the main features of the landscape in the general composition, methods of visual connection between the premises inside the building, formal techniques of interaction between spaces, the interaction of plastics between architectural and natural forms, the ratio of materials, colors, light, etc.
    Conditional division of architectural and physical forms into components and taking into account the peculiarities of human perception, determine the principles of formation of the architectural environment of buildings. Nature creates design prototypes much longer than humans. And as architects strive to keep up with the rapid development of world standards of environmental construction, some of them seek to use this experience, overcoming the gap between nature and the built-up environment. The ultimate goal: to create a functional relationship between nature and architecture, which will further improve the efficiency of the building.
Visitor center. Odesa.


Visitor center. Odesa.
