Tayiba Altaf's profile

Skin Tanning - Appropriation Of Women Of Colour's Skin

This project focuses on the intersection of ethnicity and sex and the double discrimination faced by Women of Colour.

Subtle racism is the everyday racist micro aggressions that Women of Colour and People of Colour are subjected to at the hands of White people. Unlike overt acts of racism, which is typically thought of as the only type of racism to people of no colour, micro aggressions are the more insidious type of racism, creating a toxic environment of alienation and 'othering'. This othering is what eventually leads to an environment where more overt acts of violent racism can take place. Without condemning subtle racist micro aggressions, overt violent racism will never end.

One microaggression is White women tanning their skin to emulate the natural brown skin of Women of Colour. This casual use of brownface and blackface commodifies the skin of WOC like a costume, packages it in a product and sells it to White women who, once applied to their skin, are still able to maintain their White privilege, without having to face any of the racism/barriers that come with naturally having that skin colour in a predominately White society.
In other words, our brown skin is desirable, but it is only acceptable when sitting on top of a White person's skin.

'Blackfishing' by White women on social media apps has increased also, with many using brownface/blackface and body enhancements to appear as racially ambiguous WOC, parading as deeply offensive racist caricatures of their perception of WOC. This appropriation, often times has led to brand deals and endorsement opportunities for these White women.

I had conversations with many fellow Women of Colour about these particular racist micro aggressions, the impact on our mental/emotional health seeing our features, body shapes and skin tone being emulated by White women, who are often praised by White society for buying these, whilst we simultaneously are still discriminated against by that same White society. Capturing the visual essence of the women and using excerpts of what they had said in my work, I designed a series of posters, to be displayed around the town centre in the weeks running up to International Women's Day. Given that Mainstream White Feminism ignores the issues faced by WOC, International Women's Day would be a perfect time to roll out this campaign and get those who self proclaim as White allies to condemn this pervasive issue.
Skin Tanning - Appropriation Of Women Of Colour's Skin

Skin Tanning - Appropriation Of Women Of Colour's Skin
