This company has 4 skill based platforms called Pokerbaazi, Ballebaazi, BMG ( Baazi Mobile Gaming) and Cardbaazi. I was assigned under team Ballebaazi . They also had a betting site named Lagai Khai . My main works under this company was to make creatives for social media apps and website. 
These are the posts for certain collaborating companies. The main Challenge for me under this company was to execute my work by understanding each and every platform individually and work for them accordingly. Every platform had its own communication style and target audience. 
Even worked for the Baazi store which used to sell above mentioned skill based games related products and accessories. 
Lagai Khai was a brand that was handled mostly by me which had daily stories, posts, etc. The goal was to make creatives according to the brief keeping the brand identity in mind.
This was a collaboration worked done under Lagai Khai. It took me time to get used to each and every platforms communication way and audience, to create designs accordingly.
Each and every work done here is executed after getting a brief and content copy. Composition, framing, placements, creative ideas were made accordingly.  


