Task 1 Line Drawing
I drew it on clip studio and moved it to illustrator. The line looked thin so I increased the size of the line a little. I wanted to draw the hair in lines too but it was difficult to make it look nice so I coloured it in with thick lines. 
Reference photo of my dad
The light is coming from the front left. I chose this photo because it was easy to see the shadows. 
Task 2 Tonal Mapping - I added shapes of shadows, midtones, and highlights

It was easier to make them by adding a shape and erasing it to make the shape I want. 
For the highlights I made the shapes with pen tool. I think it definitely looks smoother when it is made with pen tool. 
Task 3a Colour and Texture Swatches

I added some shapes on the shirt with clipping mask on illustrator. The shirt looked too plain to me before, and since I am going to add textures on the face, I thought it would be better to keep the shirt in shapes so that the final image does not look like a collage. 
Tried adding more colours and textures with watercolour and charcoal pens in clip studio. 
Task 3b

I tried using images of textures by using clipping mask on illustrator. 
The tone didn't look right on the first one because the highlight was quite dark which made it not look like highlight, so I changed it. 
Task 3c 

I changed the opacity of the images on the face to make the lines more visible and added some more shapes and texture at the back. I reused the colours and textures that were in the piece so that it doesn't look too messy. 
This is my final image

I moved it to clip studio to add some more brush textures and help the shapes in the background blend in together. 
Shape and Colour

Shape and Colour
