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Psychosocial Support Volunteer Guide Book

Psychosocial Support Volunteer Guidebook
Recently, I was given the opportunity to work with the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to illustrate their Psychosocial Support Volunteer Guidebook. The guidebook is geared towards adults who are to helping to provide relief in areas where there have been natural or social disasters and providing psychosocial support for those who have been affected. This project entailed designing a cover, drawing thirteen thumbnail sized illustrations, and redrawing three of their existing diagrams using color and textures to give them a more modern look. Our overall goal was to draw the readers' attention into reading the instructional information provided. 
A mock-up of our final cover design
Process behind the final cover design
Color studies focused on keeping a mix of soft and darker tones
Sampling of initial sketches
Psychosocial Support Volunteer Guide Book


Psychosocial Support Volunteer Guide Book
