TheraFace PRO by Therabody

3D Motion
DNGR had the pleasure of producing this CG short film for Therabody on behalf of their new TheraFace PRO facial wellness device launch campaign. We were approached with what seemed like an impossible ask: deliver a world-class product animation in under a month. Oh, and make it 4K. Our team had precisely 3 weeks from concept to completion + 1 week of render/edit time, but managed to produce something we're all truly proud of. Enjoy!



Animation, Lighting Design, CMF:
Sloan Anderson | @sloan.elliot

Lighting Design, Environmental Design:
Nicolás Robertson | 

Dynamics, Lighting Design:
Arman Beshkooh | 

Environmental Design:
Francesco Brunetti | 

Sound Design:
Luca Poletto | 

Editing, Cutdowns:
Tyson Kroening

TheraFace PRO by Therabody

TheraFace PRO by Therabody

3D motion work for Therabody's new TheraFace PRO facial wellness device launch animation.
