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How IOT Can Improve Health Services Worldwide

How IOT Can Improve Health Services Worldwide

The Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare market is expected to grow in the next couple of years. And the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the digital transformation of the healthcare industry since the robustness and capabilities of healthcare systems worldwide have come under intense scrutiny.

In a world where every aspect of our lives is driven by technology and innovation, it is quite ridiculous to ignore the essence of IoT in healthcare. Now more than ever, IoT, Artificial Intelligence (AI) development, Big Data, and Cloud Computing can come together to build smart health systems globally. That said, here is how IoT can improve health services worldwide.

Patient-Centered Care
The traditional healthcare model relied on a disease-centered approach where the focus was solely on diagnosing through the manifested symptoms. Actually, medical practitioners treated symptoms and the diseases based on the prescribed protocol. Even though it still works wonders, the challenge is that a patient might have a previous history of other diseases or symptoms.

Choosing to ignore past records of a patient could sometimes lead to an unwanted outcome. That’s where patient-centered approach comes in handy since the focus is on the patient’s past health history, needs and beliefs.

Preventive Healthcare
They say prevention is better than cure. Smart Health care systems mainly focus on preventive health care rather than treating a disease after it occurs. You might wonder how this is even possible in the first place. Well, it happens by having systems and technologies in place to guarantee regular screening and counseling for patients.

It is evident that environment, genetic makeup, and lifestyle changes contribute to illnesses. For this reason, it pays off to analyze these factors before any medical issue crops up. This, in turn, helps alert people to potential risks and monitoring them for incidents. With preventive healthcare, people enjoy a better life. Furthermore, it puts less strain on the healthcare system.

The Bottom Line
The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to play a vital role in helping shape the health care sector for the better. Not only does it allow for personalized management and preventive healthcare, but it also allows for patient-centered care. And this is easy to see why since smart systems have the potential to automate most of the administrative tasks, optimizing time for physicians and clinical staff. That’s what patients need to access better health services without the hassle
How IOT Can Improve Health Services Worldwide

How IOT Can Improve Health Services Worldwide


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