FORMAT 28 - Grenzen

the german word for borders, boundaries, limits, a line, the edge. It encompasses the structural, geographical framework of our lives together. The mark of a conclusion and also a beginning. Sometimes tangible, at other times intangible.

It would be easy to make the big statements and headlines the central theme of this issue. An issue on rejecting borders and nations in division, as borders themselves accompany violence and the rejection thereof. But we didn't make it that easy on ourselves.

"Grenzen" are just as much a source of identity. Intimate, aesthetic and essential.

They are state borders, social borders. Or even a curb.

We have them all.

We also made a scarf.
Amelie Ruess, by Mary Wang
Amelie Ruess, by Mary Wang
Amelie Ruess, by Mary Wang
FORMAT 28 - Grenzen