PSA Campaign
ART235 BYUI-online
The purpose of this project is to create three ad posers for a Public Service Announcement (PSA), The posters should promote an important topic of public interest.
A public service announcement is a message that is spread by the media without charges, to create awareness, inform, educate and change behavior in the public of interest.
The topic I chose is about the inclusion and acceptance of autistic children in schools without judging and frustrating their behaviors and accepting their differences and abilities.

Poster 1
Learn to accept everyone
This poster is for autistic children who are frustrated in the classroom for being different
Poster 2
Play to accept everyone
This poster is for children who are discriminated against by their peers
Poster 3
Teach to accept everyone
This poster is for children who are put down by teachers in schools.
PSA Campaign


PSA Campaign
