Dyslexia Poster
In Design 2 class, the project was to pick a social issue and use statistics to make an impact on the viewer. I chose to do Dyslexia because it is a disability that I am very familiar with. I wanted to capture the two different forms of dyslexia on paper that depicts the struggle with spelling or reading. The challenging part was to get the viewer to see both aspects of the disability in one brain. To achieve this, I put words that most dyslexic individuals have trouble spelling and the similarities between numbers and letters.
Alcoholism Poster
In Design 2, the class had to randomly pick a social issue them out of a hat. The social issue project that I chose at random was health and illness. After researching illnesses, I picked alcoholism because the topic stuck out to me the most. My idea was to depict a person as if they are drowning or chained in a bottle of alcohol. The challenging part was making the chains show only in the liquid part of the bottle. I resolved this by putting multiple squares on top to hide the chains at the bottom. Throughout this project, I learned what AUD means through research on the addiction.  AUD is a medical condition characterized by a pattern of frequent and usually excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.


