No.97 From Designer To Brand Director


No.97 From Designer To Brand Director丨從設計師到新品牌主理人


由此,本期雜誌邀請了七組具有設計師基因的品牌——超級植物公司、PUPUPULA、聞獻、ok center & They Are、delicates、寓義to Define、城市帳篷俱樂部,在分享設計師們創立品牌的經歷的同時,共同探討水面之下支撐起品牌發展的深層架構。不同於時尚領域的“設計師品牌”,本期雜誌關注的品牌中,設計師並不直接負責產品設計,品牌本身也沒有設計師本人鮮明的創作烙印。編者希望呈現的,是跳出設計師身份,從商業邏輯出發開創品牌的設計師們所面臨的困境和機遇;通過與他們對話,發現設計視野之外的商業運作圖景。

This is an era in which the value of brands is constantly being reformed and amplified. Brands were to grab a share of the market in the early stage. Nowadays, with the market competition getting fierce, brands are increasingly highlighting their own values and creating unique points of difference. The current market and supply chain allows designers to build their own brands. Many designers are able to transform into brand directors, turning their own ideas about products, brands, and even self-expression into commodities and putting them into the market.

In this issue, the editors invited seven groups of brands with designer genes: Super Plant, PUPUPULA, WenXian, ok center & They Are, delicates, to Define, and City Tent Club, to share their experiences in creating brands and explore the deeper structure that supports the developments of brands. In contrast to "designer brands" of fashion, brands in this issue do not have designers' own distinctive imprints nor are designers responsible for product design directly. What editors tend to present is the dilemma and opportunities faced by directors who have stepped out of their roles as designers, and started their brands based on commercial strategy. Through dialogue with them, a picture of commerce outside the regular design vision could be presented.

“Super Relax Sculpture” Design by Super Plants

Paragraphs from Super Plants, PUPUPULA, DOCUMENTS, They Are × ok center, delicates, to Define, City Tent Club
文段來自超級植物公司、PUPUPULA、聞獻DOCUMENTS、They Are × ok center、delicates、寓義 to Define、城市帳篷俱樂部

90° Trail 行跡丨Design in Poland

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180° Feature 專題丨From Designer To Brand Director丨從設計師到新品牌主理人

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225° Hybrid Commercial Spectacle | 空間敘事:混合的商業奇觀

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270° Exchange: Typojanchi 2021 | 國際字體排印雙年展“烏龜與鶴”

: click the names to view more :

Publication Info

Chief Editor & Design Director: Joshua Wang
主編及設計總監:Joshua Wang
Executive Chief Editor: Hyde Ou
Editorial Consultants: Xiao Yong / Chen Nan / Jiang Hua / Hei Yiyang
編輯顧問:肖勇 / 陳楠 / 蔣華 / 黑一烊
Design Assistants: Nan / Human Mar / Yue Su / Holland
設計助理:董南逸 / 麥曉雯 / 蘇鉞 / 張詩琴
Coordinator & Flowcharting: Xintong Lun
Editors: Lauren Luo / Xintong Lun / Yinan E / Yuer Bi /
編輯:羅咏詩 / 倫欣彤 / 鄂軼楠 / 畢玉兒


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No.97 From Designer To Brand Director