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8's March special McDonalds Big Tasty box design

Wanting to please my girlfriend on March 8, I like most men, wanted to buy flowers as a gift, preferable roses. But I was put on the fact that the flowers should not be given, because they will wither. Then it occurred to me to make a personalized box for a hamburger with a picture of flowers. 
In the print center, I was advised to leave a gap of 2-3 mm to the key points of the path. They explained that this avoided unwanted bends and cuts outside the agreed lines. Printing and cutting two such boxes (one spare) cost 20 euros at the Grano Printing Center. For a cool gift, the price is quite small, as for a box for fast food, it is unbelivable.
The choice of Big Tasty with cheese is not accidental. The design of the box uses text and pictures with a special message for someone important to me. As I expected, such a gift will be remembered by a person for a long time and will warm the soul with a pleasant memory for years.
When I asked the restaurant staff to place an order in this box, they did not understand for a long time how this was possible and were extremely surprised. The box also turned out to be larger than the standard size of burger boxes. So the burger in the name of Alina was visible from afar.
8's March special McDonalds Big Tasty box design

8's March special McDonalds Big Tasty box design
