When it comes to Christmas I like to give the handmade touch, so this year I decided to go all out and make some hand crafted Christmas cards and Gift tags for the friends and family and they turned out to be a treat!
I planned out the designs on paper and then created the designs in illustrator, choosing the type and using scanned paper stocks made a bigger impact on the design. Halfway through I decided to challange myself even more and add another layer to the cards by hand cutting out a silhouette and backing it with a pattern on tracing paper to create a stain glass window effect. The inside of the cards are all hand stamped with black ink and the envelopes are hand made with some more hand stamping on the back.
The gift tags are made in a similar style, but on a smaller scale. The same effect of the window is used and the look is finished of a with a piece of ribbon to be easily attached to gifts.
Christmas Time