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ᬓᬓᬯᬶᬦ᭄‌ᬲ᭄ᬫᬭᬤᬳᬦ Wedding Illustration

An illustration project for a Javanese wedding. The couple allow me to explore more into their Javanese heritage but make it vibrant but 
still vintage with the touch of floral and birds ala collage style.

The concept of wedding itself is Kakawin Smaradahana!Its a ancient Javanese literature when Batara Kamajaya launched a pancawisesa arrow at Lord Shiva so that he could return to heaven. This arrow can arouse worldly desires. And makes Lord Shiva misses his wife.

Smaradahana also have a beautiful meaning that is The Love Thirst and in Bahasa Indonesia that simple way to say it is Asmara and it translate to romance feelings & amorous

The story itself describes the disappearance of Kamajaya (the Hindu god of love) and Kamaratih (the Hindu goddess of love) from Svargaloka after being burnt by fire that burst from the third eye of Shiva .  Their spirits fall upon the earth where, incarnated as human beings, their spirits seduce and inspire lovers' hearts.​​​​​​​

So for the images i make sure to visualize those kind of feelings,the romantic but in exotic look, so theres a lot of floral assets with ancient javanese bride that look in red-ish
to say that they're ready to be in love. 

And because this project i really can make as vibrants as possible, them i make version for the wedding booklet that more into white-feminine looks, and for the invitation illustration i make colorful with fresh tone looks, like an ancient Javanese poem the Asamaradahana:The Burn of Love.

By Rouzell Waworuntu Saad


ᬓᬓᬯᬶᬦ᭄‌ᬲ᭄ᬫᬭᬤᬳᬦ Wedding Illustration

ᬓᬓᬯᬶᬦ᭄‌ᬲ᭄ᬫᬭᬤᬳᬦ Wedding Illustration
