Ann Johnson's profile

America's Health Rankings // Reports

America's Health Rankings // Digital and Print Reports​​​​​​​

Account Director: Diana Agnew
Associate Creative Director: Miranda Woehrle
Art Director: Christopher Marble
Production Designers: Ann Johnson, Ann Losinski
Project Manager: Dina Hasic
Copywriter: Jean Rowe

This on-going project requires a team that is accurate, efficient, nimble and communicative. The deliverables include a downloadable print PDF, an online document, as well as PNGs of all the infographics. Companion reports are "The Health of Women and Children", "Senior Report" and "Health Disparities Report" and "State Summaries" which align to this style, process and formatting.

I worked with the art director to help create infographics in Illustrator on art boards named accordingly for easy export to PNGs. The InDesign document was set up with master pages, a few different column grids, automatic page numbering, and paragraph/character style sheets. The text edits are seemingly endless and come in daily in the form of a Word doc that needs to be reimported due to the complexity of changes, quickly formatted and turned back around within hours. The use of stylesheets made reformatting efficient, and kept the footnote citations in tact.
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2021 Infographics
Senior Report 2021
Senior Report 2021 Infographics
Health of Women and Children Report 2021
America's Health Rankings // Reports

America's Health Rankings // Reports
