Pedro Comparini's profile

decor organize | rebranding

decor organize - rebranding (2021 // pt-br)

Você sabia que passamos em média 90% das nossas vidas dentro de ambientes fechados? Pensando nisso, a decor organize traz uma gama de itens domésticos capazes de transformar ambientes comuns, em ambientes prazerosos de se viver!


decor organize - rebranding (2021 // en-us)

Did you know that we spend an average of 90% of our lives indoors? With that in mind, decor organize brings a range of household items that will transform your common spaces into pleasant spaces for living!

decor organize - rebranding (2021 // pt-br)

Visando que a decor organize é um E-COMMERCE, decidimos que o rebranding giraria em torno da ATRATIVIDADE da marca.
O capricho e a simpatia da marca se reflete na paleta de cores, e na simplicidade das formas do universo visual.


decor organize - rebranding (2021 // en-us)

Aiming that decor organize is an E-COMMERCE, we decided that the rebranding would revolve around the attractiveness of the brand,
The whim and the simpathy of the brand are reflected on the color palette, and on the simplicity of the shapes of the visual universe.

decor organize | rebranding


decor organize | rebranding
