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Intalio|Create is a rapid application development platform that is easy to learn and use. It allows developers to build and run modern applications without requiring additional components while designing or running an application. There is no complex assembly of multiple infrastructure components to deal with. There are no hidden costs for the development team. Everything you need to design, develop and deploy are available "out of the box." Intalio|Create is packaged as a virtual machine image and can be installed on servers behind the firewall, in a private cloud or in any public cloud platform.
Simply assemble the prepackaged blocks, starter applications, hundreds of objects or thousands of fields as needed to create a new modern application. Modify or create blocks to meet specific needs. Intalio|Create helps jumpstart application development by providing Create Blocks and Starter Applications. Users enjoy shorter wait times for new modern application rollouts. Build once and reuse the blocks across multiple applications by leveraging the option to create, save and share blocks.
Intalio|Create applies a lifecycle approach to rapid application development. This means seamless management of the entire application lifecycle from initial design, development to operations and on-going evolution. Developers can focus on design, business logic and critical business needs while easily leveraging the built-in scalability, accessibility, deployment and evolution.
Intalio|Create is a rapid application development platform that increases speed to market as developers can focus on design instead of coding or managing complex technical configurations. The simplicity of the platform minimizes the amount of learning and training before the first successful implementation. This helps deliver modern applications rapidly without the incremental cost of additional resources with specialized skill sets.
Intalio|Create is a rapid application development platform that is easy to learn and use. It allows developers to build and run modern applications without requiring additional components while designing or running an application. There is no complex assembly of multiple infrastructure components to deal with. There are no hidden costs for the development team. Everything you need to design, develop and deploy are available "out of the box." Intalio|Create is packaged as a virtual machine image and can be installed on servers behind the firewall, in a private cloud or in any public cloud platform (Amazon, Rackspace, Dimension Data, etc.).
Build/run Intalio-based modern applications in a public cloud, private cloud or on premise. Scale effortlessly and cost effectively as business demands grow. Focus time and effort on improving application features instead of dealing with challenges around scaling and moving to a different environment. Users enjoy modern application ubiquity meaning they can access it from any device, anywhere, anytime. Ability to build and test applications on private cloud but run it seamlessly in the customer’s environment increases team productivity.
Quickly leverage the comprehensive, out-of-the-box applications such as Intalio|Sales, Intalio|Support, Intalio|Marketing and Intalio|ALM. Extend or create custom applications as needed. Enjoy faster application development and improved time to market by leveraging these starting points across common use cases. Users enjoy shorter wait times for new modern application rollouts. The option to create, save and share objects and generate a custom library enables building once and reusing across multiple applications.
Create and publish modern applications to production at the click of a button and improve productivity. There are no hidden costs as the infrastructure stack is included with Intalio|Create. Focus time and effort on more value added aspects such as design or business logic instead of spending time on implementing low level functionality, managing infrastructure stack and deployment lifecycle. Users enjoy shorter wait times for new modern application rollouts. Eliminate costs associated with operations management, build management and deployment management.


How can we use the Internet to develop better applications for the EnterpriseEveryday since 1999, Intalio answers this question
