From Cradle to Cradle, designing an infinite object
Celia Martínez | Daniel Romero | María Ruiz de Elvira
September 2019 - February 2020
Entry for the “TocaMadera” sustainable design competition. Developed as a team project.

The Challenge
To design an “infine object” using american red oak as the main material.

My Role
As a group, debriefing, coming up with concepts, developing the storytelling of the product. 
Responsible for the 3D modelling and rendering of the models.

1st price in “TocaMadera” competition.

The Process
1. Conceptualization
The first task was to interpret the meaning of “infinite object”. We focused on the concept of “transgenerationality” and of what makes us keep products and pass them on instead of throwing them away, through the development of an emotional bond. To express this idea, a highly emotional object was chosen (the cradle), and a concept was develped to make it “infinite”.
2. Creation of the first prototype
A first design of the concept was developed and a model created. The first model still had a very traditional aesthetic, which would be completley changed during the re-design. The model was made with laser cut wooden pieces.
3. Re-design
Though the function remained the same, the cradle was re-designed to break with the traditional aesthetic, by focusing on the function the product would spend most of its life in: the chair. The aesthetic was improved as well as the ergonomy.
4. Final prototype
The final prototype was constructed in red oak wood with the collaboration of La Navarra carpentry, and displayed during the Madrid Design Festival.
The final design
Cradle to cradle is a convertible cradle that works as a moses basket, then a cradle and later a set of two chairs. The two chairs can be ensembled again as a cradle to start the process over. This way, the product reinvents itself to avoid being a disposable object. Instead, it can be inherited from parents to children. 
0-6 months: Moses basket
6-24 months: Cradle
>2 years: Chair
1. Creating emotional bonds with objects is a key factor in their durability.
2. Through the storytelling of the product, the concept of sustainability can be conveyed.
From Cradle to Cradle


From Cradle to Cradle
