Liquid Decay / 流动的腐败


This work of mine is called Liquid Decay. It was presented at the Exhibition 'Exam/Sample/Test/Feast'. Textures were all obtained from the Urban Exploration trip we did together in Shanghai. And I combined Houdini simulation with Stop-Motion animation to recreate the beautiful decaying process. 


So lucky to be invited to create work for the exhibition 'Exam/Sample/Test/Feast' with many talents.
Featuring Artists on ins @lu.guiette @lynn_I7 @green_kid____ @feverkid 
Curated by 浮动原则 FlexPrin on ins @caesura_null; @sanhe_great_gods
Venue sponsored by ins @rawpelvis; @sanhe_great_gods
Visual Solution by ins @mayomayo_studio; @hwq___; @caesura_null
Video Editor on ins @comeoverchen 

Special thanks to our amazing composer 鱻  ins @sanhe_great_gods and my team member ins @mi11iewong 

Photos acquired from the exhibition 'Exam/Sample/Test/Feast'.

Photos acquired from Urban Exploration trip in Shanghai, near Longxi Lu Station. Later, these are used to create the stop-motion animation.

Using Houdini to create particle fluid simulation. My intension is to use simulation to imitate, interpret and explain how decay could be. And it is fascinating for me to see the possible change.

Thank you for watching.

Liquid Decay

Liquid Decay
