Publication cover & infographics
The publication "The Holocaust and Genocide in Contemporary Education: Curricula, Textbooks and Pupils’ Perceptions in Comparison", to be published by UNESCO and the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, presents an overview of similarities and differences in approaches to learning about and teaching of the Holocaust at curricular, textbook, and pupil levels across 22 European countries.

To illustrate the disconnection between the three levels of education, I created a three-tier visual hierarchy, evident in colour schematics and infographic design. Further principles principles were informed by UNESCO's style guidelines. The data infographics aim for a neutral presentation of sometimes contentious data (since all UN signatory countries have to agree to the publication of a report). Tones of grey were preferred over the dark red of the previous report. The project was completed predominantly in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.


