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Motion graphics: Dictatorship - A cult classic

Motion graphics: Dictatorship - A cult classic
Brief Summary
This project's goal involved researching, conceptualising, scripting, storyboarding, designing and animating an infomotion. The theme of the brief, 'I've always wondered...', was to drive a research question that the resulting video would answer and/or explain. The solution should be conceptually appropriate, visually appealing and be able to hold the audience's attention for the prescribed 40-180 second runtime. The piece may make use of animation and/or filmed footage, and include a narrative voiceover and soundtrack.

Technical specifications and deliverables
- Infomotion video
- Script
- Storyboards
- Process work including mini assignments, moodboards research and conceptual development

Design Strategy
Ever wanted to take over the world? Well with this helpful how-to guide, even the most clueless of budding authoritarians has a shot. Dictatorships: A Cult Classic is an informative video detailing the links and similarities between cult leaders and dictators, and how these methods could be utilized to achieve world domination. The video takes the form of bootcamp-style propaganda, produced and branded by the fictional institution Camp Supremacy, and its mascot Crownie. Camp Supremacy has produced many fine dictators and cult leaders over the years, and now as a new recruit, their tried and tested methods are yours to use - for better or for worse.

Tonally and stylistically, the video draws inspiration from Looney Tunes and Rubber Hose style animation, and makes use of shape language and iconography from soviet-propaganda posters and war-time media. The result is an eerily cheery guide that allows the audience to make their own deductions about whether great power in a single person's hands is ever a good idea.



All the pieces
Objects and shapes are stylised with a TV static texture, while the logo of Camp Supremacy is a fusion of military stamp and boyscout badge. Early iterations of Camp Supremacy's mascot, Crownie, took the form of a devil and a business man, with the final design a fluid and simple shape that lends itself easily to animation.



Motion graphics: Dictatorship - A cult classic