This is the logo I designed, and this logo represents my theme of gender equality.
First of all, why did i choose the theme of gender equality in this work and concept book?
Because I think there is a very difference in our life because different genders, the theme of my concept book is gender equality, and the concept book shows what I have observed.
I hope to create a work to show the relationship between designers and gender equality.
I asked myself, as a designer, how I can make our life better.
What was my idea of making it in the first ,and why did i choose to make gif?
This is my idea at the beginning, I want to make gif that humorous gif is shout and easy to spread on the Internet, when an idea is widely spread, more designers will think through this gif. I hope this gif brings thinking when people watch it. I wrote my manifesto according to my idea.
What was my idea of making it in the first ,and why did i choose to make gif?
This is my idea at the beginning, I want to make gif that humorous gif is shout and easy to spread on the Internet, when an idea is widely spread, more designers will think through this gif. I hope this gif brings thinking when people watch it. I wrote my manifesto according to my idea.
For example, in order to improve the problem of women's queues, public toilets build more space for women.
The idea is that men and women are free to dress.
In this draft, I would like to express that it is dangerous for stewardesses to wear high heels and that female stars wearing high heels lead to health problems.
Flat shoes can run faster and healthier.
This shows a man who uses cosmetics, and more men can also look more beautiful through makeup.
In the end, I'm continue to make the idea of public toilets, because I think designers can change it, designers can pay more attention to women when designing buildings.
Other idea can not be changed by the designer, those needs to be changed from the point of view of the whole society.
When designing the animation, I gave the door and pointer an elasticity to make the animation look more realistic.
And then there are lines and coloring. this is very eassy,
Finally, I added the idea that I changed the clock mean the waiting time of women from red to green.
And I changed the whole color to make it brighter.
Because this gif is too short, it is difficult for people to see what is happening.
So I added the start and end, and changed the frame rate from 3 to 2.
This is my final work.
I like the idea very much, but I still have some shortcomings. As a new attempt, my animation is not porfert enough, and the color I choose is still not enough to attract attention.
This is the idea of the drafts and notes I made in the course.

DDPR001 A2

DDPR001 A2


Creative Fields