Katarina Urosevic's profile

24h international urban design/reanimating the ICC

24h International Urban Design Hackathon / Bauhaus - Universitä​​​​​​​t Weimar
The Urban Design Hackathon is a workshop for international students from European universities. Following the motto „Reanimate the dinosaur“, students are invited to develop future scenarios for obsolete structures of the urban environment while testing a new format of blended learning and international collaboration. The workshop is divided into two phases: the first being online and digital and the second being in person and analogue.

In the third edition of the Urban Design Hackathon, we were reanimating a world-famous dinosaur: The „Internationales Congress Centrum“ (ICC) Berlin. In a team of four international students: Eline Baert, Paula Pichler, Rúben Simão Vilaça Pinheiro and Katarina Urošević, guided by tutors: Stefan Signer and Rodrigo Coelho, we created a new proposal for reanimation.
Phase 1 / ONLINE 
We started with the idea of city in the city, ICC was like an island in this site and cities are places where the climate change is feeling the most, and are the place where knowledges are gathered. 
This project was about making a new typology of campus - a climate campus, a space where knowledge comes together, where you can work and research interdisciplinary. Giving the space some new life, and having the ability to make/ rethink/ to create visions for a new world/ a new future.
Phase 2  / ON SITE / Spring School
24h international urban design/reanimating the ICC

24h international urban design/reanimating the ICC
