Andre Forbeck's profile

Yadosh Jayathilake

Yadosh Jayathilake

YJ is an electronic music DJ and is starting his career now, located in St. Louis - USA, his main objective is to promote parties so that people know about his work. 
The concept of the symbol arose from the idea of ​​sound progression, as electronic songs that classify more melodies whenever they are calmer and reach a higher level as their sound intensity is increased.

The gradient was created to be a graphic element of the brand, making the brand look more modern, and giving it even more personality. Through this element a wide variety of applications can be explored.


O gradiente foi criado para ser um elemento gráfico da marca, deixando a marca com um ar mais moderno, e dando ainda mais personalidade a ela. Através desse elemento pode ser explorado uma grande variedade de aplicações.

Yadosh Jayathilake


Yadosh Jayathilake
