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Providing care across Languages

Providing care across Languages
Wellcome Collection - Museum 

Had a unique opportunity to collaborate with wellcome collection a museum and library based in Central London in creating a set of illustrations for this beautiful article - Providing care across Languages written by Nyoushi Shah and art directed by Ben Gilbert.  How do mental workers provide care? where medicine and psychiatry use English to diagnose illness in a multilingual environment. Particularly a complex issue in India with several languages and dialects.
Negotiating Language gaps - Gujarti and English - Struggling to negotiate the space between Gujarati and English to talk to her grandmother about bereavement set Niyoshi Shah thinking. How do mental health workers provide care across languages?

Silence - Hindi & EnglishSilence too conveys suffering -  Women with a certain traditional background, do not voice their emotional symptoms. Decoding their distress from auxiliary cues requires cultural sensitivity. This is not easy to come by as prejudice can infect therapeutic encounters too.

Idoms - Kannada & English - My head is heavy - Most patients share their distress in their local tongue, which doctors interpret into English.The exact use of the phrase needs to be inferred, which needless to say, increases the risk of misdiagnosis. 

Metaphors - Hindi & English - I feel like Karna - People sometimes use anecdotes from movies and mythologies to explain how they are feeling. This is common amongst those who are not able to find precise language for their emotions. Can technology help record and contend with the gaps of chronicling? 

The final article and the
 micro animations

Sketches Created
Some early sketches made after going over the article and identifying the key takeaways from the article written Nyoushi Shah

Process Videos 

All at once

for making it all the way

Written by:  Nyoushi Shah 
Art Directon : Ben Gilbert
Illustrations: Ranganath
Providing care across Languages

Providing care across Languages

Providing care across Languages - How do mental workers provide care? where medicine and psychiatry use english to diagnose illness in a multilin Read More
