Reginald Abellana's profileReginald Abellana's profile


Seppuku (切腹, "stomach-cutting") is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. Seppuku was originally reserved only for samurai a.k.a. Harakiri. + a Samurai Unicorn = Hence the title Seppucorn! XD 

Been quite obsessed with samurais lately and then this idea popped into my mind while driving... Thought it would be a nice Threadless submission! :D

With this art, I didn't started with a sketch on paper and jumped directly to sketching digitally.
Started adding colours, wanted it not to be toooo colorful so that the rainbows can pop out and be emphasized! :D
After adding the colors for the rainbow, I found it somewhat lacking. So I proceeded to adding something...
So, here's the final outcome of my art! Hope you dig it!
I submitted it to Threadless! Hopefully it gets printed! Would love to have my first print on this one! :D
You can support and vote for it HERE


An idea popped into my head! Sat on it! Submitted it to Threadless! Hope you can support it! :D
