Ana Nunes's profile

Minion (a study of type)

Trabalho em contexto académico, onde tivemos de analisar uma tipografia. Escolhemos a Minion, de Robert Slimbach, e criamos um folheto explicativo das caraterísticas da tipografia. Como inspiração para a primeira parte do design, usamos a obra "Escola de Atenas, de Rafaelo Sanzio. Trabalho feito em conjunto com Raquel Cunha.
In an academic environment, this brochure was created to analyse a chosen typography. We chose Minion, by Robert Slimbach, and created this brochure to explain the characteristics of this type. For the overall design of the first part, we took inspiration form the painting “School of Athens” by Rafaelo Sanzio. This work was one in collaboration with Raquel Cunha.
Minion (a study of type)


Minion (a study of type)
