Entre as Grades
Higher Education Project

This project is an artistic installation of videomapping, in which the observer experiences an audiovisual narrative, reflecting on the concept of the duality of life. 

We decided to use the concept of "bird as a metaphor for a bigger problem". On the one hand, we associate a white bird that alludes to the good side of life as positivity, peace and achievements referring to human rights, gender equality and racial equality. On the other hand, a dead black bird that transports us to the opposite, issues such as death, negativity, vices, inequalities and political and religious conflicts that lead to irreversible consequences.

Therefore, the narrative of this project focuses on these various oposite concepts.

University: School of Media Arts and Design
Graduation Course: Multimedia
Year: 2020

Ângela Barbosa
Catarina Silva
Daniela Alves

Final Result

Making Of

Entre as Grades


Entre as Grades
