Poster Series
inspired from The Triadic Ballet

"The Triadic Ballet" created by Oskar Schlemmer in the 1920s, transformed the human body into objects in space, in contrast to the traditional impression of ballet. The geometrically-shaped costumes both limited and stimulated the movements of the dancers, resulting in mechanical and comical actions. The performance consists of three acts, twelve dances, and eighteen costumes, with each segment intricately linked to the concept of "Triadic”.

To capture the spirit of "Triadic", this series of posters features three characters from each of the three scenes, using the original three color settings. Inspired by the artwork "Bauhaus Exhibition Postcard No.11," the posters use a combination of solid and dotted lines to highlight the geometric nature of the costumes.




Triadic (2020) - Poster Series inspired from Triadic Ballet.
