Kelly Frederick Mizer's profile

Paintings from the Connect 4 Show November 2013

Artist Statement
I love to draw pies and lemons and imagery related to stereotypical domestic life: laundry, cakes, beds. Items that I am in love with drawing weave themselves into illustrations and birthday cards, wedding invitations and textiles. 
When I draw, however,  it is more about prayer. Drawing and painting, for me, are about finding answers that only appear for a split second and then are gone. It is about giving voice to things that have hurt me or intrigued me or betrayed me and without having to retell the whole story. It is not in the details of the narrative, like writing is, that I find solace. It is more about the spaces inbetween the narrative and the heart that matters to me.
I rely, often, on the image of an airplane and on ladders. I cannot be certain of why they appear, but my guess is that I am interested in the idea of heaven and I am scared of dying and leaving my children behind. 
The illustration and drawings may not seem like they have to do much to do with one another, but really, they need each other. They are both a witness to my chaos. One lets the world know who I am. The other lets me know. 
I am Going to Retire in an Igloo, with Sled Dogs and Vodka
Acrylic on Wood
3' x 3'
Cozy Street (and other things that Springfield Built) 
Acrylic and Charcoal on Wood
3' x 3'
Paw Paw Voodoo Magic (A Prayer for Mark) 
Acrylic on Wood
The Six of Us Are Okay
Acrylic and Charcoal on Wood
3' x 3' 
We Beat St. Joes, A Tribute to My Lucky #7
Acrylic, Crayon, Charcoal, Varnish on Wood 
Paintings from the Connect 4 Show November 2013

Paintings from the Connect 4 Show November 2013

3'x 3' paintings on wood
