Carla Sinowato's profile

Character Study - Pharaoh Child

Character Study - Pharaoh Child
This is the fourth and character study for "Empower Your Picture Book Portfolio" course. I really wanted to do a historical character that would let me play around with costumes. Pharaoh Child presented the perfect challenge, as in addition to his outfits, he wears headdresses that highlight the need to pay attention to proportions.
Pharaoh Child with another coloring
The Process
After doing the character study of the little girl, I realized that before sketching humans with clothes and full facial features, I needed to go back to basics and practice sketching just their poses. This will help set a better foundation on which the rest of the details go on. Although I notice many errors after the first rough sketches, this at least gave me an idea of what I need to focus improving upon. Then, I went on to sketch out Pharaoh Child in different outfits and also tested out how he would look like with different facial features, hairstyles, and headdresses. 
The rough sketches in my notebook are then cleaned up into the final outlines below.
Next came the coloring stage. Finding the right green for the crocodile was harder than it looks. My teacher suggested going with the coloring of the top middle crocodile and the top left child. I agree with this suggestion because the softer, lighter blue shade of the khepresh makes the character look younger.
Last but not least, textures and shading brings Pharaoh Child to life.
Character Study - Pharaoh Child


Character Study - Pharaoh Child
