The Race Game

"The Race Game" is a two-player computer game created using p5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding. This game is based on an analogy for racial inequality that uses the concept of racing to illustrate how inequality has impacts across generations. 

Imagine there are two running teams, Team A and Team B. Team B’s track has more obstacles to jump across than Team A. Because of this, Team A would win more races even if Team B is equally as skilled. Because Team A wins more, they earn more money, get better sponsors, and over time they are able to accrue more generational wealth while also earning the reputation that they are a better team because they win more. 

This game illustrates this concept by using a split screen two–player gameplay experience with one player facing more obstacles on their track and less coins than the other player. At the end, there are screens which explain the concept and provide links to resources to learn more about inequality.

The visuals feature bright colors and a simple vector graphics design, giving a lighthearted, fun experience that contrasts with the serious and important nature of the issue the game is addressing.

The game can be accessed via Github and p5.js.
The Race Game

The Race Game
