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Chasing History Unearths Ancient and Prehistoric

The show Chasing History offers its viewers a mashup of history, archaeology, paleontology, and anthropology. The segments, which run anywhere from just under 10 minutes to over an hour, feature stories about the hidden cultures, resources, and artifacts of people that inhabited the United States many centuries ago, in addition to early settlers and colonists. The show also features the different species of dinosaurs that populated the earth during prehistoric times.

When thinking about antiquity or prehistory, many envision foreign lands, but Chasing History shows that great treasures, history, and culture can be found in the United States. The host is a historian from Dandridge, Tennessee, who travels unearthing undiscussed and newly discovered sites. In many cases, the existence of whole communities is the subject of the broadcasts.

Desert National Monument is the scene of one of their segments. Here, the host and his guide, Tyrees Lamph, take the viewer into one of the canyons while explaining the import of this location to the viewer.

According to the tour guide, prehistoric Native American tribes gravitated toward the canyon areas because they often contained pockets and small bodies of water. These were places where they could grow corn and other produce. Not only did they illustrate why Native Americans chose this area, but the host also showed the viewer the granaries, or storage spaces, used to store food.

Not only does the show discuss human civilizations, but it also covers prehistoric sites in the United States. In a segment filmed in May 2021, the host and his guide take the viewer to the White River Formation. Nearly 20 to 30 million years ago, prehistoric mammals lived, taking over where dinosaurs, which were extinct by this time, had once lived.

Today, the area is a cornucopia of fossil finds. The host’s guide explains that this era was an evolutional phase where odd sorts of features appeared on bears, pigs, dogs, and other mammals inhabiting the area.

As usual, this segment shed light on what the landscape might have appeared like during this time. Fossilized shellfish found at the scene revealed that some saltwater stream or water source was in the area.

One show filmed in January 2020 focused on the importance of saving fossils. This time the guide was Ammon Jaeger, and the segment was filmed in Northwestern Montana. According to Jaeger's guide, dinosaur hunting is not difficult to do with many people only needing to know where to locate fossils. In fact, many common dinosaur species and a few rare species can be found in the US.

According to the host, dinosaur hunting in the United States has been confined to a small group of people who search private land for fossils. Still, the guide encouraged the viewers to participate because of the import of these finds to American history. More importantly, recovering these fossils and possibly clues to history is important because the land is increasingly vulnerable to eroding hillsides.

Ultimately, one of the reasons the host began the show was to share his love of history with the world. However, in sharing his passion for history, the viewer understands the import of these relics and finds to American history and present-day life in the United States.
Chasing History Unearths Ancient and Prehistoric

Chasing History Unearths Ancient and Prehistoric


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