Assignment // 05
Designing a single-column mobile app.
Brainstorm: Research
What information do they want/need?

The NCAA Sport Science Institute and leading mental health organizations across the country have developed a seminal publication in support of college athlete mental health and wellness, an Inter-Association Consensus Document: Best Practices for Understanding and Supporting Student-Athlete Mental Wellness (Mental Health Best Practices).

Brainstorm: Wants & Needs of the audience
1. Help!
2. Be heard
3. Information
4. Assurance

1. Feel comfort
2. Respect
3. Professional help
4. Guidance

Students athletes and their families need the information and resources to seek help and understand the various mental health issues they could face.
8x8 Sketches
Sketches: Information Hierarchy
Sketches: 2 Refined
Assignment 05

Assignment 05
