My submission for 2021 Polestar design contest.

The train has long been a symbol of human progress - electric, modular and battery driven PolestarExpress is the next step in its evolution. Autonomous in every aspect, from loading, transporting, unloading and storing, it allows for a simple and fast process of transporting goods and people. Omnidirectional surface replaces conventional train tracks. It is controlled by the oncoming train which raises the surface for more speed and stability or lowers it to slow down and move in other directions. It is the central nervous system of the whole network, which at all times communicates with the trains. Using omnidirectional surface field as a foundation, modular housing units for city expansions or for shelters in areas in need can be quickly deployed.



PolestarExpress, futuristic train concept, submitted for 2021 Polestar Design Contest
