Campaign Project
Eat Ethnic?
Some people love the experience of eating new food and trying new cuisines but have they actually discovered all sides to ethnic food? Did they restrict themselves to the things they only imagine eating? Are people really making the most out of their ethnic food experience? Are people really Eating Ethnic?
Promotional Items:
The “Eat Ethnic?” campaign will introduce some bizarre foods to the audience’s plates literarily. The promotional item consists of plates that has illustrations of different ethnic delicacies from around the world.
My approach to the campaign was humorous and since the main theme is to shock people with facts about ethnic food, more precisely bizarre ethnic food the animation starts by introducing the unexpected ingredient in an indirect way  (frame 1). Just to shock people that the information they just saw is something completely different (Frames 2,3) stating it as a delicacy in a country or a region. (Frame 4) states the delicacy’s name and (frame 5) shows the campaign name “Eat Ethnic?” Since I created a series of 3 main posters the animation is going to be a sequence of three clips that vary in content according to the poster series made.
Process Poster
Poster Series
Variation using patterns
Eat Ethnic?

Eat Ethnic?

A 5 weeks campaign about ethnic food
