Aditya Sharma's profile

48 Hours Hackathon - Design a CISO Mobile Dashboard

48 Hours Hackathon - Design a CISO Mobile Dashboard
In a 48 hours Hackathon project, I wanted to design a dashboard which is based on on need of a Cybersecurity chief in a organisation. I have observed during interviews that CISO need/goals are different than analysts. 

Problem Statement
The objective of this Hackathon project is to design a CISO dashboard which is targeted on CISO needs. My approach for this project was to leverage insights from user research to create a CISO dashboard that provides full situational awareness of the most important security information for their enterprise.
- A solution which is 24*7 Available
- Tracks of key stuff like Health status, Threats and Assignments
- Direct contact/connect to vendor

CISO Manager

User Interview Insights
User's Need, Want, Pain-point assessment
Next, based on those insights, I assembled a series of Needs, Wants, Pain points, and ideas for an ideal workflow.
Feature Prioritisation Matrix
Then I prioritised these using a must-have, should-have, could-have framework.
Inspiration/Brainstorming for design
I then brainstormed ideas by seeing what data was already available in Helix to use for the Hackathon prototype.
I then brainstormed ideas by seeing what data was already available in Helix to use for the Hackathon prototype.
Scenario and Video submission
48 Hours Hackathon - Design a CISO Mobile Dashboard

48 Hours Hackathon - Design a CISO Mobile Dashboard
